

2024年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



Application Evaluation
Evaluation of our applicants consists of many things, but four key and common factors are:

We do not have a required high school (or college) curriculum, but we do make recommendations. We expect freshman applicants have engaged in a rigorous curriculum and chosen from among the most demanding courses available in secondary school. It is not necessary to have loaded your schedule with every advanced course offered; but if such courses are available to you, we expect you have taken advantage of many of them. Our most competitive freshman applicants often have four years (grades 9-12) of English, four years of math (including calculus), four years of social studies, four years of science (including biology, chemistry and physics) and four years of a foreign language.
我们对于申请人所学的高中或大学课程没有具体要求,但确有一些建议。我们希望申请大一本科的学生已经学过了一些要求严格并难度较大的课程。虽然你不必把所有的高端课程都选遍,但如果可能,还是希望你尽量多选。申请我校大学本科的最优秀的学生往往学习了四年英语(9-12年级),四年数学(包括微积分), 四年社会学,四年科普(包括生物,化学和物理)以及四年第二外语。

There is flexibility, however, in how we view an applicant's curriculum. For example, an applicant may be competitive with just three years of a foreign language through 11th grade but also with five math courses taken in the last four years. Conversely, an applicant may be competitive taking two languages all four years and just three years of social studies.

While most of our applicants have enrolled in an accredited secondary school program (or college), students from schools that may not have undergone the accreditation process as of yet, as well as those with exceptional circumstances are given equal consideration.

Teacher/Instructor Evaluations
As we read the two required evaluations, we hope to discover specific evidence of your intellectual vitality. For this reason, we want to hear from those teachers/instructors who know the most about your performance in an academic setting. The evaluations for freshman applicants should be from teachers who taught you in the 11th or 12th grades in one of the core academic subjects (English, math, foreign language, social studies or science)—though we will certainly accept evaluations from earlier grades in unusual circumstances.

We read essays to get to know you as a person and to learn about the ideas and interests that motivate you. The strongest essays are those where the student's genuine voice stands out. Because we want to discover who you are, resist the urge to "package" yourself in order to come across in a way you think Stanford wants. Such attempts simply blur our understanding of who you are and what you can accomplish.

Extracurricular Activities
Learning about your extracurricular activities and nonacademic interests helps us to discover your potential contributions to the Stanford community. Students often assume our primary concern is the number of activities in which one participates. In fact, an exceptional depth of experience in one or two activities may demonstrate your passion more than minimal participation in five or six clubs. We want to see the impact you have had on that club, in your school, or in the larger community, and we want to learn of the impact that experience has had on you.

In some cases, exceptional abilities in athletics may influence our decision if the applicant is otherwise well qualified, but such abilities never, by themselves, ensure admission to Stanford.

本文来源: https://www.dsxliuxue.com/dajiemizhuanti/benkezhaoshengguandajiemi/2014/0722/2251.html

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