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Students should show hard-to-reach aspirations, but at the same time, be able to demonstrate a deliberate track record to prove that these goals are not just pipe dreams. What are you aspirations? It's the crux of the question in the make-your-mark essay. The challenge appears in many forms: “How do you want to be remembered a few years after you graduate?” “What would you like to be doing fifteen years after graduating?" "If you were to write your autobiography, what would page 250 contain?”
在文书中,学生应当表达自己的崇高理想,但同时有脚踏实地的事实来证明这理想的可行性。 你将来的梦想是什么?这问题应该成为你文书的中心点,无论你从多小的细节起步去写。有些学校有更为具体的提示,例如:“你毕业几年后希望大家还能记得你什么?”“毕业十五年后你觉得你会在做什么?”“如果你写自传的话,第250页你会写什么?”(译者按:不要觉得这些题目看起来很离谱,这都是历年大学曾经出过的真实文书题目。)
You should brainstorm on career options and plans to save the world. It is OK to wish for ambitious, even, even grandiose, career. If one doesn't show major aspirations, chances are he or she will not achieve to lofty goals. This essay should be upbeat, ambitious, optimistic, and energetic, projecting a strong self-image and good values.
Avoid the humble, pessimistic, defeatist, failure essay-the one that says, “I'll never amount to anything." Candidates who write humble essays may think they're being perceived as polite or modest-the “right” kind of person--- but when an admissions counselor has to sort through hundreds of essays, modest students tend to look like dead wood at a time in life when a young person should be bursting with energy, enthusiasm and aspiration. Understandably, colleges want to admit students who are eager to achieve, pioneer, innovate, and improve the world.
A student, thinking he was entertaining the admissions staff and hoping to make his essay memorable, wrote about how he would like to be remembered as the kid who was thoroughly tattooed. He said that years after his graduation, people would refer to him as “the tattooed kid.” An admissions officer easily could have interpreted the tongue-in-cheek essay as flippant, immature, or insulting. Another officer could have viewed the essay as a case of rebellion. Was the essay memorable? Probably. But not in a positive sense.

本文来源: https://www.dsxliuxue.com/dajiemizhuanti/meiguomingxiaoPSpingshenbi/2014/0702/2244.html

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